Debashish Sengupta is a dual PhD in management from Central University of Nicaragua (UCN) and Azteca University, Mexico (accredited by ASIC, UK) and holds certificates in ‘Social Psychology’ and ‘Leadership Development’ from Wesleyan University, USA and Japan Management Association, respectively.
Dr Sengupta is the co-author of the Crossword Bestseller and KPMG-cited book, Employee Engagement and has authored five other acclaimed books. His research papers have been published in leading international journals. He is a featured Judge at Engage International, a UK-based global engagement consulting firm, for the Blue Lotus Award—given every year to companies with the best engagement practices. He was featured globally as the ‘author of the week’ by PM World Journal, USA, to honour his research contributions. He occasionally writes for reputed business media publications. He guides leaders of large and small organizations worldwide through his teaching, writing, strategic and practical insights, and direct consultation to major corporations and governments.
Dr Sengupta is a much sought-after trainer and has done management development programmes for business leaders and managers. His clientele includes CEOs, CXOs and senior managers from Indian and foreign companies. He is a frequent speaker at various business forums. He is currently Professor of Organizational Behaviour and Strategy and Director (MBA Program—Ascent), Alliance School of Business, Alliance University, Bangalore, India. He has also taught in various international exchange programmes. His diverse interactions with students from India, USA, Europe and Far East find reflection in his work on millennials. His blogs on people and millennial engagement are extremely popular and attract large number of readers from all over the world.